Ahmad Fadli KC : 01.2010 : 3 Ahmad Fadlis and 1 Ahmad Fadli look alike (Uncategorized)

I would never have thought that I would meet another guy that embraces minimalism, writes almost like me, , and loves Paris Hilton as well.

He is Melayu Minimalis.

Other than that, I found another 2 Ahmad Fadlis.

One is here. Before you go there, I have to warn you . Especially the girls.

If your mom were to compare between that Ahmad Fadli and this Ahmad Fadli, your mom surely approves that Ahmad Fadli.

But if you, the girls were to choose, which Ahmad Fadli, I am more than sure you will go for this Ahmad Fadli.

I am also damn sure you will even persuade your mom to send an engagement entourage (rombongan meminang) to “secure” this Ahmad Fadli.

How much is the dowry? RM25 K only.

And of course another one is here

He is as sweet and lovable as this Ahmad Fadli 😀